Ballast - definitie. Wat is Ballast
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Wat (wie) is Ballast - definitie

1) to take on ballast
2) to drop ballast
A heavy weight, usually sea water, necessary for the stability and safety of a ship at sea that is not carrying cargo.
Ballast is any substance that is used in ships or hot-air balloons to make them heavier and more stable. Ballast usually consists of water, sand, or iron.


Ballast is material that is used to provide stability to a vehicle or structure. Ballast, other than cargo, may be placed in a vehicle, often a ship or the gondola of a balloon or airship, to provide stability.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Ballast
1. I call this ballast.
Creating a Life that Matters _ Mark Thompson _ Talks at Google
2. is which is the ballast
3. they dump the ballast water.
California Coast Sea Forager's Guide _ Kirk Lombard _ Talks at Google
4. and it has three ballast compartments.
Deep Sea Exploration in Homemade Submarines _ Karl Stanley _ Talks at Google
5. then partially inflate the ballast compartments.
Deep Sea Exploration in Homemade Submarines _ Karl Stanley _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Ballast
1. Coast Guard is considering new ballast regulations.
2. Ballast tanks help stabilize ships in rough ocean waters.
3. He carries 15–gallon barrels of Kool–Aid for ballast.
4. They were brought into Europe in ships‘ ballast water.
5. Analysts said this suggested a problem with its ballast tanks.